MGR Development

Professional SYSTEM-PAK I/MGR Plus

The Professional SYSTEM-PAK I/MGR Plus package contains all the bits and pieces to develop a state-of-the-art graphical user interface. It is based on the C language, and specific libraries are available that permit to write portable code to be compiled on a variety of operating systems without requiring any modification.

The Mre Resource Editor represents the heart of the Professional SYSTEM-PAK I/MGR Plus development system. It has unique and powerful functionality to create a perfectly designed graphical user interface in minimum time. In contrast to some other systems, there are virtually no restrictions how to compose buttons, boxes, menus etc. This makes it easily possible to create a company-specific style of the graphical user interface, so that any similarity to other ­ possibly poorly accepted ­ systems can be avoided.

Last not least, writing an MGR application is easy, since the communication between the application and the user is based on a transparent and obvious event mechanism. Even very special demands such as stacked non-modal dialogs can be realized. Should, however, an application not behave as expected, the MGR support team is available. You may call them for single questions, but they are also prepared to give dedicated training courses for MGR programming and MGR target integration.

MGR/StdLib: Standard Library

MGR/ALib: Application Library

MGR/MlxLib: Extended Application Library


See also: MGR Runtime System